Veronique is a global leader in postsurgical compression garments. For over two decades, Veronique has catered to the needs of patients undergoing aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries. The brand has a diverse range of products available for men that are created with breathable fabric that is both comfortable and functional.

The postsurgical garments are aimed at improving blood circulation, scar treatments, reduce swelling after surgeries, expedite the healing process, and allow patients to return to their daily routines sooner. Also, the garments are skin retracting and body shaping, so they are easily concealable.

Design Veronique features a large range of unique compression garments. Virtually all garments are available in eight sizes and in three colours (beige, white, and black). The different varieties of products focus on the following body parts:

Chest - Male Compression Vest

There are seven different types of postsurgical compression garments which range from tank top to compression tee-shirts that provide compression and support to the chest area. The primary purpose of the Veronique’s chest line is to provide support after male liposuction (chest, flank, abdominal), gynecomastia, and pectoral implants.  The various chest garments have reinforced flat seams and are designed to be easily worn under clothes.

Dorsocervical - Zippered compression vest with arms

Venronique’s Dorsocervial Male Garment is utilised to assert pressure on areas that have incurred surgery in the dorsocervical region. Recommend for those that have incurred fat pad or buffalo hump removal surgeries. The garment is essential in establishing compression over a surgical site in the dorsocervical region during recovery. The product is excellent for both rehabilitation and comfort.

Abdomen - Female zipped abdominal girdle

There are over eight abdomen related postsurgical compression products in Veronique’s product line. Recommended for patients that are about to undergo abdominal liposuction, flank liposuction, love handles, tummy tuck, and abdominoplasty. These products ensure that patients don’t face any problems with blood circulation and accelerates the healing process which allows patients to return to daily routines as soon as possible. 

Gluteus - Zipped abdominal / chest garment

The “Zippered Gluteus Garment” is Veronique’s only compression garment focused on gluteus related surgeries for men. The Zippered Gluteus Garment keeps surgically corrected tissues in place and ensures their healing as a whole anatomic unit. The garment provides for support after buttock augmentation and reduction treatments. 

Scrotum - Zippered abdominal garment

There is only one type of postsurgical compression garment for the scrotum. The Scrotum Plastic Support garment is designed to be worn over a separate primary postsurgical garment. It should be used primarily after abominoplasty or liposuction of the upper body, mid body, chest, abdomen, and flank. The Scrotum Plastic Support reduces post-operative swelling that can spread and descend to the genital are due to gravity. 

Full Body - Zippered high back torso brief with bra

The full body compression garment is primarily used to aid areas that have incurred surgery.  Veronique’s full body compression garment acts as a moulding device that ensures that they curves that were augmented come out perfect after the healing process is complete. This garment provides great support to those that are about to incur gynecomastia or liposuction.

All of the products featured are available online and are recommended by a large proportion of hospitals and plastic surgeons. 

Surgery is a very safe and careful procedure, and caring for your body post-surgery should be as well. Before surgery, your medical professional will explain to you how the surgery works, what exactly it will accomplish, and will happen post-surgery; however, you may be left with a few unanswered questions, or you’ve forgotten important information. If this is the case, the most important thing you need to know is that it’s absolutely necessary to take care of your incisions during the recovery process. By doing so, you can prevent infections, which if not taken care of can lead to very serious medical conditions. Taking care of incisions post-surgery can also prevent scars as well.

Home Care
If you’re recovering from surgery at home, you or someone who has volunteered to help you will care for your incision. This leaves you or your assistant with the responsibility of looking for signs of infection, or other abnormal side effects of surgery. Your medical professional will give you instructions on how to care for yourself when you get home, and these instructions will include information about how to care for yourself post-surgery, how to change your bandages or compression garments and deal with incision drainage, how much rest to get, and what your diet should consist of.

You may be prescribed medication for your post-surgery recovery. Your doctor will be the professional who prescribes this medicine. Make sure to always notify your doctor of any allergies, or the use of other medications. This is a critical step to remember, because if your doctor is not aware of this information, you could later suffer from an allergic reaction to medication, or experience an uncomfortable drug interaction.

Hospital Care
If you’re staying in the hospital after surgery, you will receive frequent bandage or compression garment changes in order to guarantee cleanliness of the incision, which will prevent bacteria and infection. Doctors, surgeons, or nurses will inspect your incisions to ensure maximum comfort and health, and also explain to you how to take care of the area and inspect it yourself. Your medical professional will also tell you how much rest to get until you can be your active self again.

When an incision is infected, it will have abnormal characteristics such as a wet surface area, severe pain, large amounts of drainage, and redness or other bruise-like coloring around the area. If it’s healthy, your incision will appear dry with light drainage and mild pain. A medical professional will also use three different methods to close the incision, which include sutures, surgical glue, and stitches.

Infection and Other Side Effects
Infections and side effects of the surgical procedure and also medication you received post surgery can occur. If you feel strange and unwell, try to stay calm, and immediately visit an emergency room. Infections can sometimes occur and not even be visible on the surface area of your incision, so you may not be aware of how serious your condition is. Fortunately, most infections in their early stages are easy to treat with the use of antibiotics or other medications.